Monday, May 25, 2015

4 Ways You Might be Killing Your Lawn [and Hurting Your Home Value]

A plush green lawn is part of that "white picket fence" ideal often associated with home ownership. Logistically, your yard is an extension of your home. It frames your landscaping as well as provides a great area for activities and enjoyment. A well maintained lawn can also add value to your home. A yellowing lawn can alternatively, hurt your home value. If you're struggling to keep your grass looking lush and healthy - here are 4 questions to consider that might reveal what is standing in your way. 

Do You Know What Type of Grass You Have?

Believe it or not - but there are dozens of lawn grass variations available to for homeowners to use in their yards. Many lawns are also composed of a mixture of grasses that work well together to create year-round enjoyment. Depending on your area, you might have a Bluegrass/Rye/Fescue grass combination or maybe you've chosen a Bermuda grass or a Bent grass. These variations might require different watering levels and maintenance. Knowing which kind of grass you are dealing with is half the battle to keeping your lawn "happy."
Click here for an easy tool to help identify your grass »

Monday, May 18, 2015

Part II: Home Refinance Checklist

To continue our 3 part series about Home Mortgage Refinancing, we want to point out that everyone has a different financial picture, unique goals and specific reasons why a refinance may or may not be the right course of action. Always seek out a mortgage professional to discuss your scenario so that you can make the best decision for you and your family.

Click here to read Part I: Should I Refinance My Home?

Getting Organized

Now that you have considered whether a mortgage refinance is right for you - we've put together a  Checklist to help get you ready to Refinance your home loan. Like most of us, a home refinance is easiest when the process goes smoothly and quickly. Choosing a qualified mortgage professional will help ease your stress but there are certain documents that you will need to gather and submit to make sure the lender has a complete refinance application.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

[NEWS] 10% of Americans are "Credit Invisible"

A recent article in the New York Times, reports that "about 26 million Americans lack a credit file." Ann Carrns continues by adding that these "credit invisible" consumers...lack any credit history with the major nationwide credit reporting agencies, which tends to shut them out of the economic mainstream. These findings are according to a report issued on May 5, 2015 by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

"An additional 19 million Americans, or 8 percent of adults, have some credit history, but not enough to create a score. Eighty percent of adults, or about 189 million people, have credit scores."

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Spotlight on the Chesterfield Office

The Midwest Equity Mortgage - Chesterfield office serves the surrounding counties as well as other areas across the state of Missouri. We are available for appointments in office, over the telephone, or in your home or place of business.

Scott Carpenter, Branch Manager

Scott Carpenter

Scott graduated from Hannibal-LaGrange University in Hannibal Missouri in 1994, where he was a student athlete and played on the basketball team.  After graduating with a BS degree in Business, he pursued a career in consumer finance, and in 1997 transitioned his career into Mortgage Banking.  Scott has been a leader in the St. Louis mortgage industry for over seventeen years. He and his wife Nicole have one son: Haden, and reside in Wildwood, MO.